Radar Remote Sensing is different from optical Remote Sensing and offers unique opportunities in
observing and monitoring the Earth surface. This course provides an overview of technology and
applications related to radar remote sensing. Specifically, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) and advanced
methods building on SAR are considered: InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar), DInSAR
(Differential InSAR), Time Series InSAR, PolSAR (Polarimetric SAR) and PolInSAR. The students will
learn how to choose, handle and pre-process the SAR images and apply advanced methods for
information extraction from these images. Various examples of applications (such as land use land cover
classification and land subsidence) will be provided. The quality of obtained results will be discussed in
relation to the type of SAR data and choices made during the analysis. The course offers an opportunity to
specialise in one of the advanced SAR methods during a practical project.